Since 1985
Proud Advocate for the United States Constitution and Supporter of the Convention of States www.convention of states.com
Peace through Strength; Chaos through Weakness
"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil
is for good people to do nothing"


AM & CAN CH. Szizlin's They Call Me Bond ROM x CH. Szizlin Tarot Redtailed Raptor JH
OFA CHIC: 134316 VZ-12737G24F-VPI VZ- CERF VZ-1064 VZ-TH1669/98F-VPI
July 1, 2010 - June 7, 2024
"Citori the Sheriff"
Citori is more frequently called City because her mom Ptorrie let us know that the name Citori sounds too much like the name Ptorrie and was causing great confusion. The name Citori works well when she is in trouble though! Citori has always been a handful - a bit of an alpha female like grandma Kes! We were not keeping a puppy from this litter, but this little bitch stole our hearts - when she joined the pack at 8 weeks old, she immediately took herself above our slightly older girls Brisbane and Lyra in pack order, and they had no problem with letting her be in charge. As a puppy, City was the Queen of Thievery - cell phones, clothing, shoes - all of these items and many others ended up in the backyard! She is very affectionate - plays constantly and is very verbal in her play! She is never boring, always makes us laugh, and keeps us on our toes every single day - but she is also extremely cuddly when she wants to be and she has the softest coat in our family! City also has appointed herself as sheriff in our home! when one of the other dogs misbehaves, she knows - and she takes great pleasure in helping us let them know that they were naughty! Pictured above at 24 months with Judge Pat Trotter.

VCA Nationals - April 2024
Handled by Tiffany Harvey-Cessna

With Helen & With Winner of Best Veteran Dog

13 1/2 year old "Bright Eyes" keeping watch over Grandma

Happy 13th Birthday

March 2023 - Citori (front right) with daughter Bacall (front left) and granddaughter Brookman (rear)

Citori at 12

Citori At Almost 11

Citori Turns 10

Happy New Year - 2019

Citori with Pups Bacall (out of Hudson) and Zazu (out of Hummer)

2013 Nationals with Michelle

City won her Grand Championship very quickly, finishing at Westchester Kennel Club show, under breeder judge Larry Berg, handled by 16 year old Rachel Ertle (who was filling in for Jessica Plourde)! Rachel was busy in another ring at the time of the photograph, so many thanks to my daughter Danielle for stepping in to take the photo.

Finishing at the CVVC Supported Entry at 23 months Handled by Richard Bennington-Grant

At 25 months with Breeder Judge Richard Hilderman

Back To Back Specialty Best of Opposite Sex Wins At 25 months with Judge Christine Calcinari at the CVVC Specialty on Saturday and Judge Jo Ann Colvin at the VCCNE Specialty on Sunday

With Judge Judy Webb at 15 months
BOB out of the Classes under Judge Desmond Murphy at 15 months

First Major at 9 months under Judge Elliott Weiss handled by Danielle

Baby Pictures
FKA Heather In Her Litter