Since 1985
Proud Advocate for the United States Constitution and Supporter of the Convention of States www.convention of states.com
Peace through Strength; Chaos through Weakness
"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil
is for good people to do nothing"


DC/AFC Riverbend Deacon's Dandy CD VC x AM/CAN CH. Heelmark's Ain't She Command'N JH ROM
OFA # VZ-4291G24M-T MAGYAR DNA #V96013 CERF VZ-371-2001-115 AKC DNA: V82372
April 5, 1992 - January 9, 2008
A 2007 Top Producer
"Pfalcon was our once in a lifetime dog."
We were not supposed to be keeping a male from this litter! we already had Raisa from the first Mandy-Danny litter, but by three weeks this puppy with the rosebud color collar had captured our attention and stolen our hearts. He was the first to lunge himself out of the whelping box (and get kind of stuck between the wall and the box)! he was bold and proud and so full of himself and at the same time so cuddly and loving - at a very young age, he would move and stance beautifully in the puppy yard! he had two potential show homes (one in Texas and one in Florida, neither of which came to fruition, thank goodness) - we finally figured out that we should never let this puppy go - and we did not let him go, and for almost sixteen years he was the light of our lives - - so respectful of the other dogs in the house - a total gentleman - he would hang back and let the girls drink first, and he would always acknowledge and thank us when he was given his dinner or the water bowl was filled upon his request. We had to watch him with small puppies because he was kind of afraid of them (Ptoppir and Kes both found out when very young that it was not wise to jump on his head). He was the most loyal companion one could ever imagine - and a solid producer of beautiful healthy puppies with great longevity (like his dad who likewise had produced tremendous longevity) - successful as a show dog (even though he hated it) and a tremendous hunting companion (albeit a little bit too prey driven and thus more difficult to train). When you have had that very special once in a lifetime dog capture your heart, you know that you have been incredibly blessed. Thank you Danny & Mandy for this greatest gift.