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Since 1985
Proud Advocate for the United States Constitution and Supporter of the Convention of States www.convention of
Peace through Strength; Chaos through Weakness
"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil
is for good people to do nothing"

Iszotta's second litter was out of CH. Olde Ridge Soar'N Pfalcon's Hudson JH ROM and was born on June 9, 2019 (the 30th anniversary of our first litter).
"Hudson" OFA VZ-11141G24M-VPI CERF VZ-868
Owner: Henry Grant & Richard Bennington-Grant

Matisse (fka Parris)
Chosin (fka Chosin)
Matisse (fka Parris)
Remmie (fka Matilda)
Remmie (fka Matilda)
Moxie (fka Opha Mae)
Sasha (fka Liberty)
Rosie (fka Tripoli)
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