Since 1985
Proud Advocate for the United States Constitution and Supporter of the Convention of States www.convention of states.com
Peace through Strength; Chaos through Weakness
"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil
is for good people to do nothing"

Vela's 2005 litter with Brave had Four Girls (Kylie, Lena, Tristyn & Fire)
and Three Boys (Hunter, Stuart & Duke).
Five days after Vela returned from Maryland from breeding to Brave, Vela and her grandfather and housemate Pfalcon (who had recently been treated for a prostate infection) decided to have a breeding on the hassock in my family room! They had been together for several days, but they snuck this breeding in while I was sitting not two feet away. Even though this breeding was done after we thought Vela was out of season, there was no way to be certain without DNA testing the entire litter - which is what we did. In fact, AKC did confirm that Vela was out of season when Pfalcon bred her and all the pups are Brave puppies.
Following is the DNA Parentage Evaluation on the Brave-Vela litter.
Matisse (fka Parris)
Chosin (fka Chosin)
Matisse (fka Parris)
Remmie (fka Matilda)
Remmie (fka Matilda)

Moxie (fka Opha Mae)
Sasha (fka Liberty)
Daphne (fka Fury)
Rosie (fka Tripoli)