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On July 27, 2003, Vickie whelped 4 girls and 5 boys out of Pfalcon.

CH Misty Hills Dynamic Destiny


OFA VZ-7412E41F-T

Owner: Barb Ehlers

CH. Misty Hills Destined To Soar 


OFA VZ-9425G28M-PI

Owner: Barb Ehlers

Misty Hills Who'd A Thought 


OFA VZ-10474G48M-PI

Owner: Doug& Katrina Cunningham

Misty Hills Magical Horizons


Owner: Barb Ehlers







Vickie, Chely & Pindar


When Barb suddenly died of a clot to the brain on December 3, 2011, her dogs were placed in new loving homes. Vicki returned to her dad's parents, Steve and Stan. Kelsi went to one of Barb's best friends Sue and her family, and a wonderful family who had recently lost an older dog adopted Chely & Pindar!  Here are some pictures of Chely & Pindar with their new family.                              


Chely & Pindar at Age 15

Chely & Pindar at Age 16

In Loving Memory of Barb Ehlers, Misty HIlls Vizslas who left us too young - a very spiritual woman in touch with the other side, Barb never would say someone died - they just left. This litter was whelped within days of the unexpected death of Barb's husband from a heart attack...until we meet again, Barb.
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